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Jiaogulan & Nettle Loose Tea

Jiaogulan & Nettle Loose Tea

We have combined one of the most mineral rich herbal leaves with the most promising herbs for longevity for an exotic & mildly sweet familiar green tea taste.

A blend of loose Gynostemma Pentaphyllum & Urtica Dioica tea leaves. These two powerful leaf teas are a match made in heaven. The incredibly high mineral content of stinging nettle and extremely high amount of unique phytonutrients of Gynostemma pentaphyllum aka Jiaogulan make a wonderfully calming & nourishing tea great for the morning and evening.

60 single servings. 60 teaspoons

Savor the soothing blend of Jiaogulan & Nettle Loose Tea! At just $0.42 per teaspoon for 60 servings, this 60-teaspoon provides a refreshing, wellness-packed experience for only $25.00 USD. A perfect way to nurture your body and mind with every sip!

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Features & Benefits

Jiaogulan ranks among the overall bests adaptogen herbs for life span. China's census bureau documented an unusually high concentration of healthy people above 100 years old in a region where the herb grows wild and abundantly. The peoples testimony and lab tests proved that the nutrients in Jiaogulan help keep the cells & tissue of our body youthful and healthy. From a holistic perspective, there is perhaps no other adaptogen that can help as many people live long and healthy.