We will be starting our next collective case study group in January 2022. The first four collective case study groups showed incredible promise in several different expressions of long-haul issues. In addition to our long haul case study group, we will be conducting another case study group for individuals that have been injured after injection. We will monitor the subjective wellbeing of people with mild, moderate & severe residual side effects of the CV19 disease before, during and after the 30-day trial.
We do not know how long post-COVID Syndrome can last, but the vast majority of the cases are people between 20-50 years old & were not hospitalized by the sickness itself.
Some of the commonly reported issues are `
- Neurological (migraines & cognition issues)
- Cardiac (Heart issues)
- Pulmonary (Lung Issues)
- Blood clot formation
- Autoimmunity
- Chronic Inflammation
- Nervous system issues (Pains & spasms)
- Excessive scar tissue
- Severe Fatigue
- Headaches
- Lyme, POTS & other idiopathic issues (triggered or aggravated)
We will do what we can to help as many people as are willing to participate; however, for this case study, we have space for 60 people. Unlike normal clinical trials, we will not be giving an inherent placebo. We find it morally wrong to not provide any potential benefit for someone who has had their quality of life drastically reduced and is desperate for relief.
For example, Chaga Mushroom has published articles showing that this holds great promise as a prophylactic measure to keep the body infection free and also for recovery while dealing with one.
We will be using highly potent adaptogen herbal extracts to help the body deal with stress and subsequently improve immune function and organ/tissue recovery. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in this important collective case study.
If you are interested, send us a message with Your name, Email and "Case Study". Text Line 2016323061 or email
This case study is being done by Maxx Philanthropies & MOVERs Elixir
We decided to do the case study because real people needed a solution and we have a valid way to help people unwell feel better
How do we raise the funds? Underground light road events & donations.
The goal of the case study: observe the effects of using adaptogens daily for long haulers with various symptoms.
The Social scientists/Participants responsibilities:
- Take Elixir every day
- Weekly subjective wellbeing survey & chat.